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On Sunday, the 18th of November, 2012 the celebration of the Association of Alatsatians in remembrance of that great feast of the Presentation of the Virgin in Alatsata was held in Egaleo, Athens, Greece with great success.

In the beginning of the day, our members and friends of our Association, along with the members of our Board attended the memorial of the slaughtered Alatsatians during the Asia Minor disaster, where a memorial service took place. The Chairman of the Board, Ms Marianna Mastrostamati presented a laurel wreath to their "holy and immortal soul".

Then, they gathered in a warm atmosphere in a nearby tavern, full of emotions and memories of their ancestors to share the joy of the companionship of their fellow compatriots. There, they raised their glasses with a wish "to be well and to meet" and sang the "Alatsatiani" and danced to the songs that their parents and grandparents used to dance to.

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