Title: Alatsata, my lost Homeland
(in Greek) Description: Local History, Cultural Antropology, Tradition
Β΄ publication : Association of Alatsatians’
Author: Fanis N. Kleanthis
Price: 20 € + the postage cost
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Title: After Alatsata, the Alatsatians around the World
(in english) Updated 2015 edition
B΄publication: Association of Alatsatians,
Authors: Constantinos J. Gramatis and Marianna N. Mastrostamati
Editor: Theodore Kontaras
Price: 30 € Europe, 50 USD for USA, 60 AUD for Australia
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Title: After Alatsata, the Alatsatians around the World
(in greek) Description: History, Research
Α΄ publication: Association of Alatsatians,
Authors: Constantinos J. Gramatis and Marianna N. Mastrostamati
Editor: Theodore Kontaras
Price: 25 € + the postage cost
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The District ‘’Nea Alatsata’’’ in the Viron city
(in Greek) Description: Refugees and local history
Α΄ publication: Association of Alatsatians
Author: Constantinos J. Garmatis,
Editor: Marianna N. Mastrostamati
Price: 15 € + the postage cost
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